
 AWANA = Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed


This is a club for boys and girls grades K-6 that teaches basic Bible principles and the love of Jesus through stories, games and scripture memorization.  We have snacks and challenges for all the kids and that stresses teamwork and friendship throughout the evening.  This club is open to all children, they do not need to be Church members, nor do they need to attend Church.  There is a small fee, but scholarships are available.  Awana clubs meet September through May.

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Date & Time:  


Opening Ceremonies:  September 23, 6:00 PM

6:00pm – 8:00pm every Wednesday.



Age groups:

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Sparks:  Grades K-2

T & T:  Grades 3-6


Children’s Choir

FOR ALL CHILDREN WHO LOVE TO SING:  Performances often around Christmas and/or Easter.

The whole community is invited to our children’s Christmas play presentation.  It will be during our normal morning worship time, Sunday, December 15, 11:00-12:30.  Come and enjoy a delightful play about the true meaning of Christmas.  The children have worked very hard practicing, and are excited about presenting this to their family and friends.  For more information contact the First Baptist Church.

event of the church

Jr. Worship


All children ages kindergarten through 5th grade is invited to attend Junior Worship during the Sunday morning worship service.  Children attend the first part of the worship service with their parents/guardians, before being excused during offering time to attend Junior Worship downstairs.  We focus of singing, and Bible lessons that are specially designed for children.  We usually have a snack, and due to several allergies in our church the snacks are gluten, lactose & peanut free.  If you have concerns about the snack see the group leader.

We do not have Jr. Worship the first Sunday of the month so the children that have been baptized can participate in the Lord’s Supper.